Trick Or Treat My Happy Mail Worldwide Halloween Giveaway

Trick or Treat $1000 Halloween Giveaway!

It’s time for a giveaway, a Halloween giveaway! As a thank you to all my readers around the world, I’ve teamed up with a fantastic group ofย  bloggers to co-host this amazing Halloween giveaway! There are many ways to enter so check it out, support some other great bloggers and enter to win $500!

The giveaway will start September 30th at 12:00 AM EST and will end on October 30th @ 11:59 PM EST. Winners will be chosen on October 31st via and will contacted via email. This giveaway is open World Wide, void where prohibited. All mandatory entries must be completed to be entered to win. There will be two winners for two (2) $500 PayPal cash prizes. Full terms and conditions available in the link below.

Trick-Or-Treat $1000 Cash Giveaway
ย  Like this post? Drop by My Happy Mail on Facebook, for more great reviews and giveaways ! Comment below and tell me what you would do with an extra $500. Good Luck Everyone!



  1. Margaret Smith

    Taking my kids trick or treating and going to our towns parade. Not sure of anything else as yet.

  2. Ann Fantom

    My husband will be taking my daughter trick or treating while I hand out candy. She is dressing up as a pirate. After she goes to bed we’ll watch a horror movie.

  3. LAMusing

    Not sure yet, but I’ll probably help out at my friends house – they decorate to the hilt ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Michelle Stevens

    We’ll take our two boys out trick or treating and then come home to hand out candy!

  5. Debbie F

    I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do – it’s either give out candy or go to a party….either way I’m having candy. ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Mary Beth Elderton

    We pick out a cool Halloween food to make. This year we are doing doughnuts with vampire teeth and chocolate chip eyes.

  7. Sam C

    I would through a big halloween themed dinner party for me and my fellow students. Thanks for opportunity myhappymail!

  8. Sarah Cool

    I am planning on dressing up as a cat this year and handing out candy. Oh and of course watching scary movies and eating pizza.

  9. Selene M.

    We will be at a campground in Lakeland, FL No Hlaloween plans unless the campground is allowing trick-or-treating.

  10. Debbi Wellenstein

    We will be dressing up and entertaining trick or treaters for Halloween.

  11. Cassandra R.

    I’ll be handing out candy and watching a scary movie with friends afterwards.

  12. Shelbz b-rockin

    Halloween is my birthday! I will be spending it with my 3 month old son and husband watching Hocus Pocus, with an extra 500$ I could get some bills paid and maybe buy myself something for my 25th birthday

  13. Sandi Tymchuk

    My husband and I will decorate our home and give out candy at Halloween.

  14. Samantha Daleo

    I’m not sure what are plans are yet. We were thinking of having a party since my daughter still likes to dress up but is too old to go trick or treating…but money may be too tight to have the kind of party we have in mind…so we may just hand out candy and watch scary movies…or just leave a bucket of candy on the porch and go see a show…just have to see what the budget is like when we get a little closer.

  15. Maddy

    Dressing up my 17 m old as something ADORABLE – as yet to be determined though – and going trick or treating!!!! I’m 20 w pregnant so will have to come up w/ a funny way to dress the bump

  16. Sue McCarthy

    I don’t have any kids so I won’t be doing anything for Halloween

  17. Alix Smith

    Getting dressed up with my 2 year old & handing out sweets to the local kids

  18. Candice M

    ot doing anything this year. Our neighborhood never has trick or treaters, so I won’t even be passing out candy.

  19. Jessica M.

    I will be taking my sons trick or treating to all of the businesses around our town square!

  20. sophia koutsikaloudis

    I used to love going out trick or treating but will most likely be going to the bars this halloween

  21. mae abigail songco

    we’d dress up, my family and kids and will visit the graves of our departed loved ones.. celebrating halloween and reminiscing good old time memories ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Jane Barrett

    We are having a halloween party for the children. They will have their cousins over too. We are going to decorate the house so its super spooky. The kids and adults will all be dressed up in scary costumes and we are going to play some goulish games, all topped off with some fairly frightening party food and drinks.

  23. Julie Booth

    scaring all the local children by dressing up as a witch… doesn’t take much effort

  24. Joann Adams

    I will hopefully be watching a Halloween cartoon special on halloween while enjoying my halloween treats that I bought.

  25. Rhonda

    Snuggling with my man watching horror films, the only lighting coming from the pumpkin

  26. Mandy Stone

    For Halloween I’m dressing up as a Casual Femme Castiel from the show Supernatural, and with an extra $500, I would totally put that towards purchasing my tickets and stuff for the Supernatural Convention I’m hoping to attend in Seattle in March of 2016!

  27. Dawn Gould

    We have no plans for Halloween. I think at 1 year old, our boy is a little young for it yet…

  28. Rhea Chladek

    My daughter plans to go to a friend’s house, so it may be my first year without plans…

  29. Jessica Woods

    We are going trick or treating and having a Halloween tea at home ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. natalie moore

    we are throwing a party for our 3 year old and friends and i think im more excited than my daughter hehe i love halloween im a big kid!

  31. Lauren Tourle

    We are going trick or treating with the kids, then their off to grandmas and we are having a party ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Jeanette Jackson

    Dressing up the dogs as spiders and taking them to the dog park.


    My Daughter and I are Taken Taken My granddaughter to the mall Do trick n treat

  34. Gina Ferrell

    We are having a big Halloween party and going Trick or Treating with all the kids.

  35. Milky

    Im having a baby this halloween. Hope I could win ๐Ÿ™‚ Trick or Treat <3

  36. Jayne

    We don’t do much for Halloween but if I have my way, I’ll be baking the whole day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Susan Dill

    I will be going with my grandkids and that $500 I would use on 2 of my cats, they need their teeth cleaned.

  38. Doreen Lamoureux

    I am handing out treats to all the children. Dressing up as a witch and playing holloween music.

  39. Elizabeth Anderson

    I usually get to take my nieces around. But they are getting older, and will probably want to go with friends this year. I will miss that!

  40. Richard Brandt

    I’m not at liberty to say but it involves an ultra-sized package of Charmin.

  41. karen hutchinson

    carving home grown pumpkins and trick or treating with my five year old

  42. Barrieq

    I have no plans for Halloween. I miss the days of taking my girl out and about to get candy…so much fun watching her get excited.

  43. Jessica Cyr

    For Halloween I will be taking my kids out passing door to door for some candies.

  44. Jessica Cyr

    Awesome blog and great giveaway ! thank you for the chance to be entered in this draw! ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. Hayley Davies

    I would treat myself to lots of new fashionable clothes as all i buy is clothes for my kids!

  46. Joann Adams

    On Halloween, I plan to eat pizza, candy, and watch a movie! Total couch potato!

  47. Heather Johnson

    The kids will be going trick or treating. Then we will hand out candy at home.

  48. Debbi Wellenstein

    We are not doing much-we will be out of town until just before Halloween-but we will definitely be handing out candy!

  49. Rita Costa

    I would probably spend some of the โ‚ฌ500 in Christmas gifts for family and friends.

  50. Jorge Granda

    I’m an adult, therefore, I really don’t plan on doing anything for Halloween.

  51. Jorge Granda

    I’m an adult now, so I really don’t plan on doing anything for Halloween.

  52. kristen mcclary

    we are taking my 5 year old emmy trick or treating and then after there is a halloween party at the community center that we are going to go to. my daughter is going to be a monster high girl and my 12 year old sister is going to be a day of the dead skeleton. cant wait super excited!!!

  53. Kinza arshad

    I will be arranging a grand party for all my friends and family and have a blast ๐Ÿ˜€

  54. Annabel

    I don’t really have any plans, except wachting horror movies with my sister~ Oh, and her annual Halloween riddle, of course ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. Mike kevin L. Sy

    well…we will go on a road trip and stop at the nearest themed park..we love to go toa theme park especialy haloween is right at the corner because the theme park will be full of haloween stuff..and that is already very good to me and my family

  56. Kristy Franks

    I will be taking my boys trick or treating I love to watch them going door to door they love it thank you so much for this awesome giveaway I would love to win this God knows i need it

  57. Nieka

    If i received a $500 cash prize i would use it to cover a fraction of my living expenses when i start college in January.

    1. Author
      The Happy Mail Mom

      They are all optional Dante. Of course the more you choose to complete the better your chances of winning are .. Good Luck !

  58. Jesse

    I don’t know what I’m doing yet but I wanna be a biblically accurate angel.

  59. Jayne

    I’m undecided but if I had my way, it’ll be lazing around all day, baking and then candy chugging.

  60. Ryan De Leon

    Trick or Treat ..Happy Halloween.. Thanks for this cash and giveaways ..its helps a lot in everybody..hope to win..:)

  61. Raymond

    I’ll buy candies and have my little cousins do Trick or Treat in our house.

  62. Joann Adams

    I will be enjoying fast food and candy while watching a “scary” movie!

  63. Kim Cowgar

    I am dressing up and passing out candy with a late night horror movie chaser

  64. Lysaline

    we’ll I would use that to renovate our roofings to prevent leakage during rainy seasons..sounds funny but true. =)

  65. Erica

    I would treat my family and friends (separately) and throw in some board games to make it extra fun!

  66. ellen beck

    We will be handing out candy at our house.
    Tan’na Wings on youtube and tannawings on instagram

  67. Stella Martis

    It’s not common for us to join halloween party. Maybe stay at home watching good movies.

  68. dannel

    Tweeter said about flfbblog :

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  69. Nora Grahe

    I will be waiting for trick or treat coming to my door to see if they give trick to get treat!

  70. Karen Jaras

    I plan to buy copious amounts of candy on early sales and see how much is left to hand out with 6 grandchildren and grandpa.

  71. Jamie Johnson

    I am dressing up as Harley Quinn and my husband is going to be the Joker for a huge Halloween party we are throwing at our place, which we are going to decorate as a haunted house.

  72. Roderick Forjes

    My PayPal is in zero balance I want to win so I can buy some worthy things online.

  73. carol chaffee

    we will be going a parade and taking our daughter to get candy. but if i won the 500 dollars. i would though a halloween party with my friends and all the kids for halloween.

  74. Michelle Barbe

    I would help my niece out financially. She has a newborn, is buying a house and works her butt off and she still struggles. I tell her to keep swinging. I do what I can to help but wish I could do more

  75. Mary Ann Stovall

    I will be staying inside passing out candies to the little one’s, and watching old school Halloween movie’s!

    Trick O’ Treat ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. Mspaige

    I will be dressing up with my 2 year old spiderman and taking him around town to local trunk or treats and church events for candy and fun.

  77. Gillian Hale

    We will be having a little Halloween party for the kids and their friends.

  78. Debbi Wellenstein

    We’re not doing much this Halloween-handing out candy to the trick or treaters.

  79. ellen beck

    We will b at home handing out cndy this year and trying tto scaree the kids wh vist !

  80. Maria Montero

    Definitely going to some hunted houses, with an extra 500 I’d start on my Christmas shopping thank you for the opportunity:)

  81. Sonja Blair

    OH MY GOSH! If I was the lucky winner of $500.00 I would spend it all on my three beautiful children and the family to have the BEST Halloween EVER! Been a really rough year and we sure could use some GREAT news and be the Winners. Love your happymail blog ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank You and Have a safe and Happy Halloween All ๐Ÿ™‚

  82. Jen Bell

    Autumnal family meal, lovely warm food, candles, laughter and remembering fondly those no longer with us. It’s the time we are closest to those gone and the time we are closest to those still here and to be greatful for all of them. Blessed be x

  83. Brandi Goolsby

    I’m not sure yet exactly what I am doing for Halloween – probably taking my girl trick or treating. I wish I was going to an adult costume party, though. Now THAT would be fun!

  84. Joann Adams

    I will be going to my nephews to give out candy while he takes the kids trick or treating.

  85. Carlos

    It’s been a family tradition, and so we’ll all be doing this Halloween, to gather around the TV and do a marathon of horror movies while trying to scare ourselvesโ€”last man standing/sitting/awake wins!

  86. Anita k

    We will be taking the grandchildren trick or treating.Thanks so very much for sharing.

  87. Christine Camp

    Buy Christmas presents. Or, my husband and I could actually have a Christmas for each other. We haven’t been able to afford presents for each other for over 10 years. : (

  88. Brandi Goolsby

    I need to find my daughter a Mermaid costume for Halloween. She is still young enough to take trick or treating. My son, however, who is 12, will probably dress up but feels he is too old to trick or treat this year.

  89. Wanda Bergman

    We will be handing out goodies to all the little people who come to our door.

  90. Rishelle Joy Avila

    I wish my Halloween with my family will be different this year. I want it to be more fun and thrilling!

  91. ellen beck

    We might be going to a bonfire thatt night we have friends who run a hainted house.

  92. Wilma P

    I’m handing out candy while playing spooky music. Love to see the little ones in their costumes as they are so excited.

  93. Bailey Dexter

    I am spending time with the younger grandkids can go out with the parents. We have a few things planned for them as well as handing out treats!

  94. Anita k

    We are going to take the grandchildren trick or treating.Thanks so very much for sharing.

  95. ellen beck

    We are hanfing out candy. I hope more kids come this year. If not, I will be eating a lot of candy myself.

  96. Faye Gates

    If I won the $500, I would use it for more cat supplies. I have a small shelter for elderly cats, that most don’t have teeth, and canned cat food gets expensive.

  97. Kristi C

    I am taking my children trunk or treating at the church and then we will go to the local corn maze.

  98. Amanda Lancaster

    I am going to be attending a special ‘harvest’ program at my church. They will be treating children to refreshments and entertainment. Thank you for the opportunity. Amanda (Goldsboro, NC)

  99. ellen beck

    I am passing out candy for Halloween and hopefully seeing some trick or treaters it is supposed to be pretty chilly that evening.

  100. Jonalie S. Lorilla

    I’ll buy a ticket, go home, wrap up myself in an angel costume this Halloween, and give my cancer-stricken dad a divine service and love! Excited to win!

  101. Linda Little

    I don’t have any kids or grandkids living close so I will not be doing anything.

  102. Brandi Goolsby

    For Halloween: still no massively fun plans. I SO wish I was going to an adult costume party!

  103. Barbara Provatopoulos

    Will passing out candy and invited my son and daughter-in-law over for pizza!

  104. cheryl hodgkins

    I will be going out with my 7 yr old granddaughter trick or treating Halloween night and then she will be sleeping over. Fun night for all

  105. Kristi C

    I am taking my children trick or treating and then we are watching Halloween movies.

  106. Tammy Schweitzer Catterton

    this Halloween I will staying home giving out treats too the kids here thanks

  107. Akmal Khairani Ibrahim

    Well, as long as I remember, I didn’t really have a plan yet, for Halloween.. Mm.. Maybe I will call my cousin and hit the road with her..

  108. Ann Skamarauskas

    Watching the rugby world cup and munching on the trick or treat treats ๐Ÿ™‚

  109. Laurie W.

    I will be decorating my entryway and then handing out treats to all the kids.

  110. Cerys John

    Spending time with my friends over a few Halloween inspired cocktails ๐Ÿ™‚

  111. Lucy Porter

    Turning all the lights out in the house so the trick or treat kids think nobody’s home. I don’t like my doorbell ringing all night.

  112. Dwayne Berry

    This Halloween I’ll be walking my daughter around from house to house and probably having to carry her candy for her too. She always gets extra for being so cute.

  113. Debbi Wellenstein

    We finally bought our candy for Saturday to hand out to the kids. We can’t buy the candy too far in advance, because we will eat it all up!

  114. rock2happy

    While waiting this giveaway result, I will play games and read some books.

  115. Kathleen Fleitz

    I’ll be staying home in case any trick-or-treaters stop by, and watching the spookiest episodes of Dr. Who that I’m recording just for the special day. Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween everyoone!

  116. Emilie Curry

    We have a 6 month old baby so we’ll just be watching a scary film once he’s in bed ๐Ÿ™‚

  117. Crystal F

    We will be taking my youngest daughter out trick or treating. We will probably also visit a few fall festivals. Thank you!

  118. Anita Mitchell

    My monsters are all dressed up,so I guess we will go tricker treating.

  119. jo maxted

    I have already been to trunk or treat with my kids and friends but we are still goin trick or treating and having fireworks tomorrow xx

  120. kissmeraas

    Terrorising the local neighbourhood with my gang of evil littluns ๐Ÿ˜‰

  121. Tosha H

    Eatin’ (lots of) candy and watching the horror movie marathons, I’m looking forward to it lol

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